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Liquid damaged keyboard on Think Pad

Repairing a Lenovo ThinkPad Laptop: Fixing a Liquid Spill on the Keyboard

As technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it’s not uncommon for accidents to happen. One such accident that we see a lot is spilling liquid on your laptop’s keyboard. Liquid over the keyboard can lead to the keys no longer functioning as well as damage to the logic board that is under the …

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Cracked screen on Chrome Book

Repairing a Cracked Screen on an HP Chrome Book: A Cost-Effective Solution

In this post, we will look at a recent repair involving an HP Chrome Book with a cracked screen. Chrome books are inexpensive devices, so sometimes when you have an issue with one it is cheaper to replace the computer instead of repairing it, but in this case, we were able to fix the device …

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MacBook Air A1466 USB port removed

Liquid Damaged MacBook Air With Smoking USB Port

A local customer recently approached us with a MacBook Air 2015 – A1466 model that had liquid damage and a malfunctioning keyboard. They had searched google for a shop that offers liquid damage repair for MacBook Airs and found us! The MacBook Air 2015 model is a super portable laptop that has been popular since …

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A2337 M1 MacBook Air with cracked screen.

Bring Your Broken Macbook Air Back to Life with Our Repair Services

Have you ever experienced the heart-sinking feeling of opening your beloved Macbook and the screen completely shattered? That’s exactly what happened to one of our customers recently, who brought their 2020 Macbook Air M1 for repair after a flight back from Europe. The screen was completely destroyed, with lines and discoloration, a clear indication that …

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Shorted capacitor on MacBook Pro with no backlight

Macbook Pro Repair Mystery: From a Broken Clutch Cover to a Shorted Backlight Line

A customer recently came into our Philidelphia shop with a booting issue on their Macbook Pro 13″ A2289. This 2020 model MacBook Pro is generally one of the better models with few issues. In this case, the device appeared to be in good overall condition, but was booting up to a blank screen. While the …

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iPod Classic 256GB Upgrade

iPod Classic Repair + Upgrade

Have you ever had an old device that you just can’t seem to part with? For many of us, our old iPod Classics hold a special place in our hearts and memories. When one of our customers came to us with an iPod Classic (120GB) that was freezing and showing the sad iPod graphic, we …

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Liquid corrosion present on A2337 2020 M1 MacBook Air Logic board.

2020 M1 MacBook Air Liquid Damage Repair

Recently, we had a customer bring in their (M1) 2020 Macbook Air for repair. They had found us on Google after searching for Mac repair in the Philidelphia area as they were having issues with their device not charging or powering on, with the screen remaining completely blank. We had them bring the computer in …

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13" M2 MacBook Pro Cracked LCD

MacBook Pro 13” M2 LCD Replacement

This M2 MacBook Pro came in with a cracked LCD panel that needed to be replaced. The customer had fallen asleep with the computer in their lap, and when they got up quickly they forgot it was there and it fell on the ground. As you can see in the picture below, a small crack …

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Why is my Macbook so slow? Tips to get your Macbook faster than ever!

You’ve made it here because your Mac is significantly slower than when you first bought it, and you’re looking for some actual solutions you can perform yourself. You might be dreading replacing your Mac considering the price tag of a new one, but you may not need to since theses well built machines last quite …

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Apple dropping hardware support for older Macs… What this means for you.

Apple announced they will be reclassifying some Macs from 2010-2013 as vintage as of December 30th, 2018. Effectively terminating support through out the US with the exception of California. This is not an uncommon practice but this raises some questions as how that will affect individuals who own and rely on these computers. According to …

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